Hi, I am Srinivasa Addepalli. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Like the title of the blog suggests, this is a place for global gyan - random nuggets of wisdom on a variety of topics :) Often, I write about topics at the intersection of India, Business and Technology. Sometimes, actually on rare instances, I rant about traffic. Of course, there could be the occasional movie review here but surely not as a film critic. Some of my short stories from train journeys, recent and old, are also here - the inspiration is surely Ruskin Bond and I hope someday I can publish "12 Short Stories from Indian Train Journeys"...
Photography is my hobby and I share the stories behind some of my photos at NaturallySrini. If you are on Facebook, you can like my page there to see some of my favourite photos.
If you are looking for me for professional reasons, go to my website. My professional details are also updated at LinkedIn. You will also find me on Twitter, if you've not had enough of me elsewhere!