iPad Case - Made in India!

The global success of the iPad could create new business opportunities for Indian small businesses. Here's a great example:

This iPad case has been custom designed and made in India... to be more specific, Dharavi, Mumbai.

This case has till now been produced on request for about two dozen iPad owners...

The cover, made in good quality leather, is available in multiple colours from the vendor.

I am trying to see if I can help this manufacturer reach out to the demand that must exist for the iPad case in India and elsewhere.

8 responses
where can I get this. what is the price
Jignesh: This was made by one of the Leather Goods shop in Dharavi, Mumbai. Depending on the type of leather chosen, it could cost between Rs 1500 and 2000. If you are interested, I can try and get the phone number of the guy who made it.
Mr. Srinivasa Addepalli,
thanks for prompt reply. I would surely be interested in buying one of those.


-original message-
Subject: [globalgyan.in] Comment on "iPad Case - Made in India!"
iPad Case - Made in India
I have a a small business in Canada and am interested in the leather ipad case. Can you get me in touch with the manufacturer.
Wayne Russell
I am interested in large quantities of leather ipads, can you help me get the source
i am in miami, florida USA
i am intrested in the leather case for the i pad can you get me in touch with the manufactere im in the u.k
We are manufacturer of small leather goods based out of Mumbai with manufacturing unit in Dharavi, Mumbai. We have manufactured ipad cases for several companies. Please get in touch with us with your requirements.

We also manufacture goods in leather imitation, jute, PU and nylon.

Phone: +91 9930991239
Email: vikassah@lthrplus.com, archita.mohan@lthrplus.com
Skype ID: lthrplus

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