Jo Mera Hai Woh Tera Hai: NOT

A lot has been written about the Apple-Samsung dispute, so there's not a lot more I can add to it - particularly given my Apple "fanboy" status. Just one thought occurs to me... why is it that some of us cry from the rooftops when our photos on Flickr are misused by some site/publication without attribution or permission..... and why is it that we want to accept Samsung's blatant copying of Apple's designs as "natural evolution" of the smartphone industry?

What makes us want to support the underdog (even if it's an underachiever) in the fight against the leader? You can see a similar strain appearing in the so-called battle between the oh, so cute "kirana" (mom&pop) stores and big, bad evil Walmart. It's interesting that in the smartphone wars, the historical "enemy" of Apple fans has actually come out looking good. Windows phones may not be selling millions every month but I can see some real innovation in design and experience, particularly with the Nokia Lumia series. (Disclosure: I use both the iPhone and the Lumia 900; I considered buying the S3 but chose the Lumia over it... just a personal preference... will discuss my views on smartphone choices in a subsequent post.)

As a business manager and as an individual, I am a firm believer in the protection of intellectual property. Investment in innovation happens because you expect adequate returns from it - that requires IP to be protected. At the same time, some types of IP (mostly core technologies / standards) should not create a monopoly situation... therefore, an environment of fair and reasonable licensing should exist. It can be nobody's argument that design or content related IP leads to monopolies.

What belongs to you is mine or vice-versa is the kind of stupid economic policy that India (and many other countries) followed for decades with disastrous results. Everyone needs a level playing field and equal access to opportunities but that does not mean balancing outcomes.

(Note: the post title refers to a line from a popular jingle and is translated as: "What is mine, is yours".)