RIP Posterous; Welcome PostHaven

So, has shut down. It is sad when startups that hold such promise as Posterous did, have to shut down. Of course, Posterous' major problem was that it did not have a real business model (like many other "hot" startups). It is rumoured that Twitter paid 10mn to acquire Posterous which, if true, means that the investors who funded the company to the tune of $10mn did not make much money. I am sure the founders did make some good returns and some of the team members found a new home at Twitter.

Anyway, it was good while it lasted. Posterous really did make blogging easy. As easy as sending an email. 

I have moved my blog to PostHaven, a new startup from Garry Tan, one of Posterous' original founders. The good thing (in a way) about PostHaven is that they are charging from day 1 and promising never to be acquired. At $5 a month, it is not free like many other services but it is not too expensive either. Having burnt my fingers with a great free service, I guess a lesson has been learnt that there is no free lunch. A price has to be paid even for a "free" service, either in terms of advertising / loss of privacy or a service shutting down. I may as well as pay some real cash for the certainty that my blog will remain alive (not that it is an essential requirement for anybody's health or survival).

Best wishes to PostHaven.