Best Friend at Work

Anyone who has taken Gallup's Q12 employee engagement survey would have recognised that this post is about the most controversial question of the twelve. Employees are required to rate, on a 5-point scale, if they have a best friend at their work place. Most respondents read this question literally and reply that their "real" best friends are not their colleagues. Some others question the relevance of such a question and seek to keep their personal lives separate from the professional.

In fact, I recall this NYT article about the difficulty of making new friends once you are in the thirties and forties. A subsequent discussion about this article with several colleagues revealed that there could be a western / eastern divide on this topic. For instance, in India, the workplace is often a seamless extension of the personal space / family. Many Indian organisations refer to themselves as families. On the other hand, the (typical) western view of a job is led by the employment contract. (As always exceptions exist.)

But this post is not really to discuss the Gallup survey or west/east divides. It is about friends. And some reflections on the topic during my 24 months out of a workplace.

Many of us, over the course of our careers, give all our time to our job. This comes at the cost of our personal relationships, including a connection with the self. As we jump from one role to another and hop from one airport to the next, friends and family take a hit. Somehow, due to greater proximity and responsibilities, we might keep the family ties alive but friends from yester-years (childhood, school/college, first job) are forgotten. Yes, Facebook might remind us of their birthdays and a Whatsapp group creates an illusion of fun and conversation but the connect is lost.

Meanwhile, we build new relationships with colleagues and others whom we meet in the context of work. Or parents of our kids' friends. Yet, very few of them rise to the best friend category. The NYT article mentions three conditions that are essential to creating friendships: proximity, repeated/unplanned interactions, and a setting that enables people to confide in each other. I believe that the first two conditions are enablers whereas the third seals the bond. That's the reason friends from childhood (age of innocence) or hostel life (high level of dependence on each other) are often in the BFF category. On the other hand, even as corporate relationships provide opportunities for meeting frequently, most organization cultures (or politics) prevent the confiding from happening.

So we end up with this set of highly transactional relationships with colleagues. Meanwhile, lack of proximity and/or repeated interactions with our original best friends weakens the bond of trust. When we change jobs, new work relationships replace the old ones, and the illusion of company continues. The hollow nature of such existence is most felt when we quit a job for a solo gig (like I did)... there may be no 'workplace' nor are we surrounded by constant emails and meetings that have come to define our social life.

I was fortunate that some of my work relationships did turn into good friendships - perhaps it was the challenging journey at Tata Communications or it was just a coincidence. Even though we lived in different cities/countries, work created sufficient opportunities to meet frequently; shared passions (like gadgets and innovation) and values (like humility and respect) helped transcend age / hierarchy barriers. Now, we meet less often... will this also go the school/college friend way?

The last two years have taught me a lot about relationships, in both professional and personal lives. The achievements that we care about so much - grades or earnings or deals concluded or goals overachieved - matter very little beyond the immediate. People stay in touch (or not) because of their experience of who I was as a person. My former colleagues might have all but forgotten what I did at the company for ten years; however, they probably have a vivid recollection of how I made them feel during our interactions. 

Take a minute to answer these (or any similar) questions:

When was the last time you went on an impromptu road-trip with your school friends?

When was the last time you surprised your parents (or grand-parents) with an unplanned visit?

When was the last time you cuddled with your spouse on a weekday because the weather was such?

When was the last time you began (and continued) a new hobby?

If you cannot remember the answer, note that your friends & family cannot too.

It is not possible to turn the clock back on what we did or didn't do in the past. But we can surely work on the present and future. We must change the way we measure our life and (re-)allocate our resources accordingly. Now, pick up that phone...

7 responses
To certain extent , till recent 6 months, I completely agree with the opinion
transient it is - anything and everything!!!!
Nice, Srinivas !!
This rings true on several levels. It is something that I have constantly observed and it saddens me that the corporate world is designed in such a way that meaningful relationships are impossible to develop. Showing any kind of emotions at work except 'positivity' and 'optimism' is frowned upon. And I this in itself forms the hand that kills friendships to be formed. When you are constantly behind a veil, it's hard to make friends. Coming back to your main point, I have also realised the importance of having friends and being able to make new friends only after moving abroad. I should make that road trip happen :)
You know Kissan, I kind of disagree with you here..I have spent the better part of 3 years doing exactly what you advised..strengthening my relationships...I won't deny that the ability to do that is fabulous and it feels amazing, but professional achievement (with or without the 'best friend at work') adds so much to long-term self fulfilment, confidence, and self-worth. It also, -fortunately or unfortunately - is what gets you respect from your peers. It is however true that professional achievement is a mountain that you need to keep climbing. The halo of past achievements does not last. But neither does the joy of a relationship that has not been continually nurtured.
So very true Srini ! While we accept professional thought that business is done between individuals and hence the value of relationship, many do not apply the same at work with their colleagues, teams. I am a strong proponent of the 30 min person-to-person chat once in a while, even with chaos and work pressure reigning around. This is a bigger stress buster than anything else in the world and builds much stronger teams. If we can do this, we can do atleast few of the impromptu things you wrote about.
Thanks everyone for your comments! Shweta -- you are actually reinforcing what I said... it is not an either-or situation. You have to allocate resources consciously and wisely. Also, the problem with "professional achievement" is how you measure it... if indeed it leads to "long-term self fulfilment, confidence, and self-worth", then that's great. Most people who think of professional success use surrogates (salary, promotion/title, etc.) that don't yield what you have in mind. Vinod & Jay -- happy to note that you are indeed doing this - what many only talk about :)