Two pages in today's The Times of India caught my attention. The first page was a full page Yahoo! ad announcing that the Internet was now under my management. I thought that had happened a couple of years ago, isn't it? Web 2.0 and all that. Perhaps, Yahoo! Is doing a Rip Van Winkle on us? A customizable homepage, an inbox that knows my likes (and dislikes) and mobile access. With these Yahoo! Would have us believe that things have changed... ah well... The second page, somewhere inside, has a full page interview with Arundhati Roy. I know this is a Monday paper after a long weekend, and it's tough to get meaningful content to fill the paper, but this...? Roy maybe a famous Indian (Booker and all that) but today she's no more than a controversial activist. A lot has been said about the causes she thinks she represents and her style of activism; we need not go there. But a full page interview...? About three invisible elephants in my living room... and right, I am the fourth, visible one. I have to seriously start breaking this morning habit...